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How ServiceNow Integration Simplifies Vaccine Management and Safe Workplace

Countries, organizations, and people alike are turning to structured systems to combat the pandemic. These include contract tracing, vaccine management, and utilizing a centralized database of essential information amongst others. For businesses, in particular, ensuring workplace safety is the primary concern, irrespective of their industries. Having an up-to-date vaccine management system is, therefore, key to driving their people’s confidence in the safety of their workplace. However, this is easier said than done.

Challenges in Vaccine Management

1. Lack of centralized data

While vaccines are being manufactured rapidly, lack of information and visibility when catering to different demographics has proven to be an obstacle. The absence of a centralized system that is constantly updated in real-time leads to lost information, miscommunication, and a lack of awareness about vaccine updates.

2. Lack of inventory

With the rush to get vaccinated, overbookings are possible. This often leads to shortages in some places or wastage of doses in others. Administrators cannot schedule or cancel appointments without visibility over the inventory and often have no control over vaccine rollout programs. A centralized, robust inventory will simplify the booking process while the personnel is made aware of the dosages available and when the next batch is expected to arrive. 

3. Manual systems

Vaccine management solutions are limited to administering the vaccines and include information on the vaccinated population. Scheduling appointments and updating information is often done manually and can lead to important details being missed out or entered incorrectly.  

Legacy systems are tedious to use in this context. Even if an employee has tested positive, it will be problematic to conduct contact tracing or provide vaccine management solutions without the right

information. This leads to employees and their families being put at risk. Automated systems streamline vaccine management without disrupting existing workflows and maintaining productivity.

Features of ServiceNow integration

ServiceNow has divided the vaccine management process into three phases; Distribution, Administration, and Monitoring. 

  • The Distribution phase focuses on vaccine allocation, transportation, and storage. 
  • The administration phase focuses on vaccine capacity management, provider management, vaccine administration management, and employee engagement. 
  • The Monitoring phase looks upon pharmacovigilance and workplace management. 

The Safe Workplace Suite is a great ServiceNow asset with several applications that contribute to a safe workplace. The various applications include: 

1) Safe Workplace Dashboard

With the pandemic changing workspace structure, it’s important to sanitize the workspace efficiently and ensure social distancing. The Safe Workplace Dashboard helps to define and reserve workspaces for specific periods, schedule shifts for all employees across the entire company, automate cleaning task assignments to ensure shift readiness, and provide insights into workspace availability with a full audit trail of cleaning history. 

2) Contact Tracing

The ServiceNow integration makes the workplace safe by minimizing the risk of transmission between employees through real-time, data-driven contact tracing and identifying potentially infected employees. All the pertinent information of an employee, if they have tested positive, is entered in the app. The system further enlists a list of people the employee has interacted with. The ServiceNow integration also conducts follow-up activities with cases and tasks after collecting individual employees’ health information. 

3) Employee Travel Safety

With restrictions slowly easing, employee travel safety is paramount. The ServiceNow integration brings in safety applications with provisions for employees traveling for business. It verifies site safety policies and their compliance across multiple destinations and monitors employee health status and their various contacts during travel ensuring safe travel for employees.

4) Employee Readiness Surveys

This feature of the ServiceNow integration creates custom surveys and notifications according to each employee. The system also collects employees’ feedback about health and readiness in return. It also monitors and assesses return to workplace strategies using real-time data.

5) Employee Health Screenings

With travel and work slowly resuming, ensuring all personnel is up-to-date on their vaccinations is essential. Employee Health screenings enforce site-specific entry conditions using location details that assess and track employee readiness to return to the workspace. It also guides employees to follow up with real-time reports and metrics.

6) Health and Safety Testing

With employees returning to the office slowly, the ServiceNow integration streamlines employee health test processes to minimize outbreaks in the office. This guides ill or exposed employees through testing processes and reduces its spread. The system automates vaccine management and workplace safety by guiding employees back into the workspace.

7) Workplace PPE Inventory Management

Sanitizers, gloves, and other supplies are now part of a routine office inventory. The pandemic has necessitated the various safety needs of an office to be met with a PPE inventory across locations. The ServiceNow integration provides a comprehensive view of the PPE stock by location and facility with updated real-time inventory management. Additionally, the system has data on required equipment and levels over time.

8) Vaccination Status

Vaccine management is simplified using the ServiceNow integration. Employee information is managed after they submit their vaccination documents. This streamlines collecting and reporting vaccination data for workforce planning. Employee vaccinations, exceptions, and other pertinent data are centralized, allowing workplace teams to monitor this information.

The Road Ahead

Leidit is here to digitally transform your business with faster implementation and effective adoption of ServiceNow solutions. Having an integrated system eases the difficulty in accessing health data from different databases. With a security response model, teams can coordinate and resolve issues better.  

The ServiceNow integration for vaccine management brings the entire process onto a single platform ranging from vaccine authorization to post-vaccination monitoring. ServiceNow integration provides accessible information, updates workflows, and links the vaccine supply chain as a cloud-based service management platform. 

Reach out to us in case of any queries.

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